

Enjoyment with revitalised water

The name GRANDER® is inextricably linked with the element of water.  The discovery of water revitalisation through Johann Grander more than 30 years ago has, in the meantime, gone around the world.

Through the many years of experiments and research work Johann Grander came to the conclusion that water stores information and can transfer it to other water.

Tap water with natural, biologically-valuable quality

If you place emphasis on your quality of life and are conscientious about what you eat, you can also set high standards with the water you drink; after all,  it is out most precious food source.

When you have the chance to enjoy revitalized water, you'll understand what people say:  you clearly feel it and you taste it.

The GRANDER® water revitalisation gives water back its ability to renew its partially lost characteristics such as the power of self-cleansing and resistance.

The water revitalisation improves the internal structure of water making it energetic again and returns it to a biologically-valuable beverage.

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Water has an intelligence."


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