Hotels / restaurants

Wild Food Café - Islington, London

The proprietors Joel and Aiste Gazdar had run the Wild Food restaurant in London Covent Garden for nearly 10 years with an exceptionally good water system. This was to be their 2nd restaurant and the first as a chain of Wild Food Cafes and they wanted to up their game.

Mei Leaf Tea House, London

GRANDER® Revitalized Water contributes considerable to the taste, bouquet and digestibility. Therefore, coffee and tea lovers swear by the proper water, apart from the beans and leaves of course. It must be light, fresh and revitalized in order to allow the aroma to unfold optimally. The highest quality water makes the highest quality teas.
  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "A healthy life begins with revitalized water."


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