

GRANDER® revitalises

Enjoyment and a feeling of total well-being - that is Grander water.  From the refreshing shower in the morning to the relaxing cup of tea in the evening.

For hundreds of thousands of users around the globe GRANDER has become in the more than 30 years, since the water revitalization is on the market according to Johann Grander at a daily, indispensable companion.

Healthy living begins with revitalized water 

With the discovery of water revitalization Johann Grander defined a new water understanding, which today many people follow ". Healthy living begins with revitalized water" 

We know that drinking pure, high-quality water has varied, positive effect on our organism. Water acts as a solvent in the body, transport and coolant. It is one of the most important substances for the human organism - in just 24 hours flow of about 2,000 liters and 1,400 liters by the kidneys through the human brain. A water balance is a prerequisite for the provision of physical and mental performance.

Wellbeing and Vitality 

Lively water makes a significant contribution and promotes well-being and vitality. Fresh and unadulterated gushes our precious wet from the source, but long transport routes, pressure in lines, mobile phone, radio and radio waves have a negative effect on the water and rob the water its original abilities and characteristics. 

The Grander Technology gives the water its very character back - it will return to what it once was: of course, powerful and alive.

 Valuable drinking Help 

In addition to the amount of water and the water quality is crucial for our well-being. If you do not know exactly how much water should you drink every day personally and often do not even think about drinking water, there is now a valuable drinking aid.


The new, free downloadable app GRANDER calculated for you in no time your personal fluid intake. And to help you in everyday life do not forget to drinking, you can activate the reminder function on the GRANDER practical app. To be regularly reminded of the important drinking water and get an overview of your drinking behavior and can put conscious steps and accents to change your drinking habits ...

The GRANDER App is available for free on App or Android / Play Store and next to the GRANDER drinking consultant contains many valuable information about the water revitalization ready.

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Our climate is becoming warmer and more unsettled."


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