

Water in love

"It seems that water is in love and seeks a partner in a wonderful fashion," a young woman describes the floating water bridge (floating water bridge).

"It seems that water is in love and seeks a partner in a wonderful fashion," a young woman describes the floating water bridge - a sensational piece of knowledge in water research.

Just like love, this phenomenon of water cannot yet be explained scientifically.

Dr. Elmar Fuchs, an Austrian scientist living in the Netherlands, has described the phenomenon in his scientific publication, but didn't offer any explanation, as there are no explanations - at least not according to the rules of classical physics.

"Perhaps there are theories in quantum physics", Dr. Fuchs says, "but I am an experimental physicist, and therefore, we will examine and describe this phenomenon thoroughly."

The first time such an effect was described was in 1893; the water thread was created by means of a cotton thread, which remained that same only for a few seconds after removal.  In the meantime, the knowledge about the floating water bridge is quite advanced - one reason being that the interest in water has increased enormously over the past few years and secondly due to the much improved and more accurate measuring methods, which have also become much faster.

The water flows in both directions in the bridge, probably in a whirling motion.  The temperature measurement shows that it "gets really hot", and that the water temperature is warmer than in both containers, as well the warmth radiation in the bridge is significantly higher.

Unbelievable but true

In the test by Dr. Fuchs water overcomes a distance of 25 mm under an electrical current of 25,000 volts.  This demonstrates that water has completely new characteristics in regard to its density and structure.

By means of high speed cameras and femto second lasers it has been established that water can form further structures apart from the already known "soft" and "solid" structures.  One has trod, so to say, in No Man's Land between "soft" and "solid" (liquid and firm), and in doing so has refuted all classic knowledge concerning water.  The newly-found structure in water is clear evidence that there are definitely dynamic states within water.

Why are NASA and ESA interested in this?

Water is of immense importance for space research - if one wants to go to Mars, the water topic has to be explained and understood down to the smallest detail.  Therefore, both NASA and ESA are interested in knowing how the floating water bridge behaves in gravity.  The complicated preparations for the first trial are in progress and, either in fall 2013 or spring 2014 an automatic model of the floating water bridge will experience space flight.....

Additional contributions to the topic of the floating water bridge and amorous water:

>> Sensational Discovery at the University of Graz

>> New Aspects for Biology and Medicine

>> At the Pulse of Research

>>Does the floating water bridge offer an explanation for GRANDER water revitalisation?

Are we possibly at the beginning of water research?

It seems that the scientists agree with the humble statement made by one of the greatest scientists of all times:  "What we know is but a drop, what we don't know is an ocean" (Sir Isaac Newton, 1643 - 1727).

Interesting film contributions:

>> Floating Water Bridge: How amorous water jumps over the glass ...

>> Floating Water Bridge - Unbelievable but true! How water overcomes a distance of 25 mm

>> Floating Water Bridge - Sensational Discovery refutes all known water knowledge to date

>> Our knowledge is but a drop...3 SAT Knowledge of new water research


  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Microwaves disturb the earth's natural vibrations."


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