GRANDER® cleared the water in my pond

Fish love clean water revitalized with GRANDER®

Fish feel good in clean water, and GRANDER® can make a huge difference by ensuring a stable, good water quality.

I have a GRANDER® Energy Board which I have used to structure my drinking water to great effect. When I lost quite a lot of water in my small fish pond last year due to a pipe that had become lose, I re-filled it with structured grander water. The water had been cloudy for some time. To my surprise the water became crystal clear and remained crystal clear for months.

I would recommend a GRANDER® Energy Borad to everyone who is interested in drinking healthy water.

Written on: 27/06/2018 by dharma101

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Belief in God is the most important thing for me and makes life so beautiful."


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