Loving GRANDER® Water

GRANDER® Water Revitalization helps you save money and stay healthy

Using GRANDER® reduces costs by lowering the need for cleaning agents and chemicals. 

The first visual difference I noticed was how the GRANDER® water kept my kettle clean. Even though we had a water softner before the kettle still furred up, now it just stays clean. To drink and bath in it feels so lovely and I am sure that it has a remarkable effect on our emotions. I have noticed that if I have a challenging emotion, very quickly it shifts and the only difference is the water that we drink, otherwise our life has stayed the same. I would (and have) definitely recommend GRANDER® water.

Written on: 04/09/2013 by Nixieg

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Microwaves disturb the earth's natural vibrations."


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