GRANDER® Penergizer perfect for revitalizing beverages

GRANDER® Energy Board and Penergizer

The GRANDER® Penergizer, filled with the GRANDER® highly coherent functional water developed by Johann Grander, has a revitalizing effect on all beverages. 

 As promised I am letting you know how I am getting on with the GRANDER® Water Revitalization kit.


Never one for half measures, if it goes in my body it goes on the GRANDER® Energy Board or Penergizer first.


Interested to find that a normally reasonable glass of red wine becomes almost vintage - and no headache.


The only thing I have not treated is the odd scoop of coffee-ice-cream - I reckoned that was to far off the scale to make a difference.


But to more regular things, I am finding more clarity in my thinking is the most noticeable thing so far.


I have meditated with the tablet on my heart, on my solar plexus and behind my head. All this in the first week to sort out the vessel before the stuff I fill it with.


I had hoped it would also help my Restless Leg Syndrome which I have been trying to sort for 40 years now. But so far it has not helped. The last few months have been worse than normal and I believe it is to do with the rising turbulence in the Collective Unconsciousness since Easter - and due to last till 2015 as it builds and clears. [and yes I have tried Magnesium both inside and out!]


I feel less tired though with the water treatment, after a bad few days, so happy about that.


The Pen also helped clear the last residue of sinus probs in my left nostril - a hangover from many years of chronic probs including 3 bouts of pneumonia a long time ago.


So all in all I am delighted with the kit.


For info I get my drinking water from the Glastonbury red and white springs at Chalice Well, which allegedly is the most pure spring in europe.


For cooking I have a small ceramic filter on the tap and now put jugs on the Grander before steaming veg, or making teas.


I also have a spray bottle I use to add small amounts of water to stuff I am frying, this also now gets the treatment.


All very anecdotal but as satisfied customers go you have a dedicated follower.


Written on: 15/10/2013

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Earth is a living thing."


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